Ipswich Meetup
Yesterday was the Ipswich meetup, at Caffe Nero's, where there is a OBCZ: CaffeNeroIP1 book-crossing zone. It is always a friendly meet, nice to see people I have met before as well as meeting a couple of new bookcrossers, including one from Canada.
I took along about 10 books, though wasn't expecting many to be picked up at the meetup, as most were kiddies' books donated by my wee brother.
An interesting discussion arouse from the issue of stamping on books, should we stamp or write on the side of a bookcrossed book? Not only is it then easier to spot a bookcrossing book, it deters unscrupulous people from re-selling them. As well as where to release books, should you release on public transport, especially in London.
The Shipping News was taken by Semioticghost. I have a duplicate copy that I will read soon, I bought them in 2 different sets off http://www.thebookpeople.co.uk, a good source of cheaper books. It has a bit of a random selection, but great if you want to buy complete sets.
I also picked up Color Purple , The Heart of the Matter, Local Anaesthetic and The Three Musketeers (Wordsworth Classics) (diff. cover) (one of a few books that appeared on the window ledge without being registered.)
Hi Soffitta,
Do you know when the next Ipswich book meet is? I am from Ipswuch but unfortunately can't get back very often. But I have donated several books to the OBCZ at Cafe Nero's and would love to meet up with the group next time I can.
Happy blogging.
Benjamin Nakizo, at 7:04 AM
The meetups are the 2nd Saturday of each month upstairs in Caffe Nero at 11 a.m. They are a nice and friendly bunch of people. Hope to see you there.
soffitta1, at 9:52 AM
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