12 in 12 Category Challenge
Here I am again! Another year, another challenge, The 12 in 12 Category Challenge. I have decided to take full advantage of the fact the group allows early birds, having started my own on the 29th of September. I move around a lot, so wanted to start when I knew I had access to a lot of my TBR pile, I have a stack of over 60 books here with me in Spain (brought over by family, friends and myself) which is enough to be going with. I have decided to read 12 books in 12 categories, keeping track of my progress here: Soffitta1's 12 in 12. My categories will change, they always do (they already have!), but they will contain the usual suspects: 1001 books and Asian books. I'm looking forward to seeing which books I read, concentrating on reducing the amount of books I have sitting in the U.K., where I have over 200 books cluttering up my parents' house.
Here are my categories, as well as the first few books I've read:
Category 1: 1001 Books
This is a life time challenge, so will be part of every Librarything year challenge I do until I am at least 70.
1. Chocolat
2. On The Beach
I have a huge amount of Asia-themed books on my TBR mountain.

I live in Spain and will be here until at least June next year, so seems apt.
1. Tintin Prisoners of the Sun (In Spanish)
I enjoy mysteries, and again I have a stack at home.
1. The Last Testament
Currently reading: The Woman in White **1001 Book, ** Group Readalong

I have a few series sat at home TBR - Agatha Raisin, The Number 1 Ladies' Detective Agency, Hamish McBeath, Rebus and seried by Jean Auel and Tom Rob Smith. The plan would be to get cracking on one or more of them.

Inspired by one of Katrinat's categories last year. The idea is that each book comes from a country bordering the previous one, e.g. a book set in Spain followed by one set in Portugal.
TBR - provisional journey, depending on my mood, I will start this journey in Spain or Pakistan.
Spain - France - Germany - Austria - Hungary / Romania - Ukraine - Russia - Mongolia - China - Bhutan - India - Pakistan
Here's the map I'll update as I travel.
Road Trip 12 in12
Make yours @ BigHugeLabs.com
Starting point: Spain ... Fighting in Spain
Over the Pyranees to the French capital, Paris... The Lollipop Shoes
Then across the border to Cold War Berlin ... The Spy who came in from the Cold

I was very excited to see Jasper Fforde suggested on the group reads thread, even more so to see a whole month dedicated to him! Well, I have 6 of his books on my TBR pile, so I plan to read Thursday Next books as well as books related to them. To start things off, I have never read Jane Eyre, so how can I read The Eyre Affair?

I took part in WBN 2011, giving out copies of All Quiet on the Western Front, and have joined the group which is trying to read all of the WBN books by World Book Night 2012. I had already read some, so am just reading those I haven't already read. As I did well in the charity shops a couple of weekends ago, even finding a WBN copy of A Life Like Other People's, I thought I'd change this category. These add up to 8, but as the next WBN is in April, I'll add from the new selection later. Check out www.worldbooknight.org for more details.
Category 12: Women Writers

Inspired by Carol Shields' Unless, there are so many great female writers out there. These will be prize winning and/or 1001 books.
1. The Sea, the Sea **1001 Book
Labels: 1001 Books, 12 in 12 Category Challenge, bookcrossing, WBN Challenge 2011
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