
Wednesday, May 04, 2011

11 in 11 Category Challenge - 2 1001 Books

Category 2: 1001 Books

I have the all singing and dancing spreadsheet and would like to boost my stats. I had this category over the last 2 challenges as well, spurring me on with my 1001 reading. I have enjoyed reading 1001 books as it has definitely broadened my reading, getting round to reading those classics and also putting me in touch with many new authors.

1. The Idiot
2. Of Mice and Men
3. Schooling
4. Pereira Maintains
5. The Amazing Adventures of Kavelier and Clay
6. Platero and I
7. Invisible Man
8. The Reluctant Fundamentalist
9. A Fine Balance
10. Under the Net
11. Burmese Days

I really enjoyed reading Pereira Mantains as I had already Declares Pereira, a different translation of the original Italian. I think I found it better because I lived in Portugal before reading the former, so the situation described was much more familiar. As I am now living in Spain, I did so enjoy Platero and I, such a well-written book. I devoured The Reluctant Fundamentalist, and am sorry to see that it has been left off the 2010 list.
It is probably easier to say which books didn't grab me as much, and they would be The Idiot, just because it was rather dense, and The Invisible Man, but these are 1001 books, so I had higher expectations of them.



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