
Saturday, November 14, 2009

Intercultural Virtual Bookbox

Organised by ApoloniaX and contraforsa, I joined this as a way to work on the Bookcrossing Olympic Challenge. The idea was to only put the first and last letter of the title of a book to do with an exchange of cultures with the countries involved, leaving it as a bit of a mystery as to the book. I missed out on the first round, but took part in rounds 2 and 3. Thanks for organising :)

From Round 2 I chose:
UK, Canada, Kenya & Guyana: "T...y" loveamystery This Body
Ethiopia & USA: "C...n" Annimanni
Children of the Revolution
UK & Crete: "H...s" chucklesthescot
Hungry Ghosts

and passed on:
The Enchantress of Florence
The Other Hand
The Dancer from Khiva: One Muslim Woman's Quest for Freedom

Round 3:
Belgium and Rwanda A...n KiwiInEngland An Ordinary Man: The True Story Behind Hotel Rwanda
Colombia and US P...l Annimanni Paradise Travel

I sent on:
China Men (Picador Books)
Remember Me...

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1010 November Update

Well, just over a month into the challenge and am steaming ahead! I remember that from last year, it became more difficult when I was trying to fill in the gaps at the end. Quite a few of them are 1001 books, which is fab. Luckily Mum and Dad brought me over a stack of books, so am well-stocked this year. So far, I have read 14 books.

Group 2: Related to Spain and the Spanish speaking world

1. Paradise Travel
2. The Scarlet Cloak

Group 3: British Writers
1. Sexing the Cherry ** 1001 Book
2. Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner ** 1001 Book
3. The Book lovers' Appreciation Society
4. The Riddle of the Sands ** 1001 Book

Group 5: Travel
1. Attention. Deficit. Disorder

Group 6: History (fact or fiction)

1. Castle Rackrent ** 1001 Book
2. The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society

Group 7: Myths and Legends
1. The Lusiads ** 1001 Book

Group 9: Olympic Challenge

1. The Successor Albania ** 1001 Book

p 10: Asia

2. River Town
3. Tale of a certain Orient

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