
Sunday, November 23, 2008

1001-Library update

I have recently received a few more books through the 1001-library
American Psycho(TBR Portugal) sent to me from Annimanni in Finland.
The Postman Always Rings Twice(Portugal) sent to me from butterfly-noir in Portugal, a well travelled book.
Slaughterhouse 5(Portugal) sent by VariC in Finland.

I exchanged books with Mallary in France.
I sent Bonjour Tristesse (Essential Penguin) and The Virgin in the Garden: A Novel and received Saturday and a bonus non-1001 book, The Cry of the Owl .
And with Kigi in the U.K.
I received Summer (Bantam Classics) (passed on to hetku77 in Finland) and sent her What I Loved in return.

This is such a good idea, especially as I am now in a country where the books are so expensive. I also like the fact that these great books are getting read by so many people in so many places.

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Blood Meridian

I received this book from my Secret Santa a while ago and decided to bring it to read in Portugal. I was really getting into the book, it can take a wee while with his books, when I noticed a chunk of the book was missing! I emailed the publisher, who sent me out a new copy which is wating for me in the U.K. This is the second time this has happened to me, the first was even more annoying as the very last chapter of the book was replaced by the first one! I had a long weekend to wait before I could exchange it. I wonder how often this happens?

Friday, November 07, 2008

The Gargoyle (Book Ray)

I have finished this great book and decided to send it off on a book ray, so others can share in it. It is with the first reader and should travel on to South Africa, America and more...

Here is the journal entry: The Gargoyle


The Fifth Child

The Fifth Child This book has already been journalled by 17 readers, I signed up for it a long time ago when I was in Prague. I am a big lessing fan and am trying to find copies of more of her books, especially from the Children of Violence series. I have only read these two so far:
A Proper Marriage (Children of Violence) (different cover)
Martha Quest (Children of Violence S.)

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Speed Ring

Couldn't resist, a collection of short stories as a speed ring. Some Other Country: New Zealand's Best Short Stories (speed ring), due to head back to its motherland after a speed ring in the U.K. for the 2009 Convention there.


As many people are trying to read the books from the1001 Books You Must Read Before You Die, so some helpful bookcrossers set up this library. The idea is that members of the library "take out a book" by asking the previous reader to send it to them, when they are finished reading, they "return" it to the library until someone else wants the book. To join the library, you need to donate a book, then you can ask to borrow others. Check out the Library's page - 1001-library. I have donated a few books, and taken a few out. There are some duplicate copies of books, but this is not a bad idea as it means that postage costs can be kept down.

The following books are in my possession at the moment:
In Portugal:
The Pit and the Pendulum (penguin 60s S.)
The God of Small Things
The Book of Laughter and Forgetting (King Penguin)

In the U.K.
Heart of Darkness
Bonjour Tristesse
Jane Eyre (English Library)
The Woodlanders
David Copperfield (Wordsworth Classics)
Empire of the Sun
The Heart of the Matter (Essential Penguin)
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time
The Picture of Dorian Gray
A Passage to India
Regeneration (Penguin Celebrations)
Howards End (Twentieth Century Classics)


Back after a gap

Been a while since I have added anything new here. I have recently moved to Coimbra, Portugal and am busy finding my feet. The city is lovely, hilly, university town. The people are very friendly and I am trying to improve my Portuguese. No OBCZ in Coimbra, but maybe soon, who knows! So far I have not wild released as am able to swap books at work, there is a shelf full of books left by previous teachers. A rather random mix, but as you see below, that is good for me!

Books brought with me:
Blood Meridian: Or, the Evening Redness in the West (Picador Books)
The God of Small Things
The Book of Laughter and Forgetting (King Penguin)
Gem Squash Tokoloshe
Bonjour Tristesse (Essential Penguin)
The Ringmaster's Daughter
The Karnau Tapes
The Pianist (Film Tie-in edition): The Extraordinary Story of One Man's Survival in Warsaw, 1939-45
Magic Seeds
The Virgin in the Garden: A Novel
What I Loved

Books are pretty expensive here, I was spoilt by the choice in Prague. Luckily, there are quite a few Portuguese Bookmoochers, so is there to supply my habit.
The Pit and the Pendulum (penguin 60s S.)
The Black Monk (Penguin 60s)
Red Dust