
Sunday, June 10, 2007

Ipswich Meetup

Yesterday was the Ipswich meetup, at Caffe Nero's, where there is a OBCZ: CaffeNeroIP1 book-crossing zone. It is always a friendly meet, nice to see people I have met before as well as meeting a couple of new bookcrossers, including one from Canada.

I took along about 10 books, though wasn't expecting many to be picked up at the meetup, as most were kiddies' books donated by my wee brother.

An interesting discussion arouse from the issue of stamping on books, should we stamp or write on the side of a bookcrossed book? Not only is it then easier to spot a bookcrossing book, it deters unscrupulous people from re-selling them. As well as where to release books, should you release on public transport, especially in London.

The Shipping News was taken by Semioticghost. I have a duplicate copy that I will read soon, I bought them in 2 different sets off, a good source of cheaper books. It has a bit of a random selection, but great if you want to buy complete sets.

I also picked up Color Purple , The Heart of the Matter, Local Anaesthetic and The Three Musketeers (Wordsworth Classics) (diff. cover) (one of a few books that appeared on the window ledge without being registered.)


I took part in Jaycee1972's 2nd Bookbox a few months back and have decided to offer up my own: Soffitta1's 1st UK Bookbox. So far 8 people have signed up to take part, I sent it out a couple of days ago. The box is made up of a mixture of books, including a duplicate copy of one of my favourite books, Miss Smilla's Feeling for Snow. I tried to go for a mixture of genres, but a lot seem to be thrillers or detective books!

The funny thing is that I recognised a lot of the names of the people taking part, as they took part in Jaycee1972's box above!

I would like to do a second box, maybe one with a theme. I have quite a few Asia-related books on my TBR shelves, so that would be a good possible theme.


Sunday, June 03, 2007

Fiona Mountain

It all started when I received Bloodline written by Fiona Mountain, the second book in the series with the genealogist Natasha Blake. I was then PM'd by AmandaPanda, who was offering the first book Pale as the Dead in exchange for Bloodline .

I thoroughly enjoyed both books, so decided to have a look for any other books she had written. The first available BC copy of Isabella that came up had been registered by AFIR , who sent me my NSSVS this year. I have now finished the book, which is about the love of Fletcher Christian, and will post it on to AmandaPanda ASAP.

Saturday, June 02, 2007

1 year anniversary

Can't believe that I have been with bookcrossing for a year!
I decided to send out some wishlist RABCKs.

Prodigal Summer: A Novel sent to indygo88
In Cold Blood: A True Account of A Multiple Murder and Its Consequences (Essential.penguin) lukutuoli

I was then offered a book by millycat: The Six Wives of Henry VIII. A book I would really recommend. This is one of the things I like most about bookcrossing, the kindness of strangers.
I sent her Human Traces in return.

Cesky Krumlov update

Books left
A Black Englishman
Music for Chameleons
Confessions of an English Opium-eater (Penguin Popular Classics)
The Picture of Dorian Gray (Penguin Classics)
Landfall (released in Prague at Cafe Louvre)
Keep the Aspidistra Flying
The Birth House